Gervais School District

Established in the 1990s through the consolidation of several smaller districts, Gervais School District has a rich history of serving the educational needs of its community. Today, the district serves approximately 1,329 students across five schools: Gervais Elementary School, Gervais Middle School, Gervais High School, Samuel Brown Academy, and Pioneer Elementary School.

At R&C Management, we are thrilled to support the district in prioritizing student achievement, safety, and community engagement. Looking ahead, the Gervais School District is poised for a bright future. With the support of R&C Management and the community, the district is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. The upcoming construction and renovation projects will not only enhance the physical infrastructure but also foster a positive and dynamic learning environment for all students.

August 2024: Back to School Staff Meeting

The R&C Management Group team was excited to connect with staff at the Back-to-School meeting and update on the progress with the bond to date, share details on upcoming milestones, and share the excitement of the timelines for the bond projects.

May 2024: Gervais Community Successfully Passes Bond

The recent passage of a $28 million capital construction bond marks a significant milestone for the district, ensuring much-needed upgrades and improvements to its facilities. This bond, the first successful one in over 30 years, reflects the community’s strong commitment to providing a high-quality education for all students.

The bond funds will be used for a variety of critical projects, including the completion of Gervais Middle School, the construction of a new multipurpose building, and significant safety and security upgrades across all campuses. These improvements will provide modern, safe, and well-equipped learning environments that support both academic and extracurricular activities. The district will also receive a $4 million grant from the state of Oregon, further enhancing its ability to deliver top-notch educational facilities.

The history of bond work in Gervais School District is a testament to the community’s resilience and dedication. After eight failed attempts since 1997, the successful passage of the 2024 bond measure is a cause for celebration and optimism. This victory ensures that the district can continue to serve its students effectively, providing them with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

More info about the bond work can be found here: Gervais School Bond (