Evergreen Public Schools

NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District - Walkthrough New Transportation Center

Exploring the Construction to Date

This past May 1st, 2024, a dedicated team converged upon the nearly completed Evergreen Public School Transportation Center. As representatives from Evergreen Public Schools Facilities & Communications/Engagement walked through the facility, they witnessed firsthand the progress achieved to date.

Guided by Ali Abbaszadegan, our Senior Project Manager at R&C Management Group, the team engaged in constructive conversations with Evergreen Facilities Team, GBD Architects, and Robinson Construction. Their insights, adjustments, and approvals are shaping a facility that will revolutionize transportation for the Evergreen district.

The Vision Unveiled - Form Meets Function

The Evergreen Public School Transportation Center isn’t merely a structure; it’s a symphony of purpose. Let’s delve into its key components:

  • Transportation Hub: At the heart of the center lies its role as the district’s transportation hub. Here, buses will be dispatched, routes optimized, and schedules synchronized. The administrative team will ensure seamless coordination, allowing students to embark on their educational journeys efficiently.

  • Mechanical Excellence: The maintenance bay, meticulously designed, will accommodate multiple buses simultaneously. Hydraulic lifts, diagnostic stations, and skilled mechanics form the backbone of reliability. The commitment to mechanical excellence ensures that each bus operates at peak performance, minimizing downtime and maximizing fiscal responsibility.

  • Safety First: Policies and procedures are etched into the center’s DNA. We’ve collaborated closely with Evergreen’s Transportation Department to establish safety protocols that reflect our unwavering commitment to staff well-being.

A Beacon of Progress - Impact Beyond Concrete

As the Evergreen Transportation Department readies itself to move into this new facility, you can feel the future impact reverberating far beyond its walls:

  • Students: Their daily commute will be smoother, safer, and more reliable. Minds unburdened by transportation worries can focus on learning.

  • Families: Parents will wave goodbye, trusting that their children are in capable hands. The center’s efficiency eases their minds.

  • Community: Evergreen thrives when its students thrive. The ripple effect of efficient transportation extends to every corner of the district.

The Evergreen Public School Transportation Center isn’t just a building; it’s a promise fulfilled and a legacy—a testament to collaboration, safety, and progress.

And so, on that cloudy May Day, we left with a sense of eagerness, to empower Evergreen’s mission, one bus ride at a time!

The Evergreen Public School Transportation Centers’ impact on the community will be profound. Let us celebrate the unsung heroes—the drivers, mechanics, and administrators—who ensure that each Evergreen students’ journey is safe and full of promise.

NEWS/PR: R&C Management Attends Evergreen School District Foundation Mardi Green Auction Gala Event

R&C Management sponsored & Celebrated

alexia bravo, uhs valedictorian

pursuing a major in astrophysics

From left to right: Dan Bodell, Mr. Bravo, Alexia Bravo, EPS Superintendent John Boyd

NEWS/PR: R&C Management Attends ENR Ceremony & Accepts Award

Ali Abbaszadegan speaks on behalf of R&C for the MVHS Project Team accepting the award

for best K-12 Education Project of the ENR California & Northwest Region

NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District Announces

Mountain View High School recieves 2023 ENR Best Project Award for best k-12 Education Project

“ENR Best Projects Award is considered one of commercial construction’s projects most prestigious and coveted honors.”

“Extraordinary projects are selected by juries of experienced and respected industry professionals. Twenty categories are awarded and include various project types covering areas in safety, buildings, infrastructure, and green projects.”

NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District Announces

Mill Plain Elementary School Replacement Update

Mill Plain Elementary School (MPES) replacement will open fall of 2023. The replacement is a 62,000 square ft. building that is constructed on the existing campus that replaced an old 1950’s building.

The original 2018 Bond program included prototypes of five replacement elementary schools and one new elementary school This MPES project is the seventh prototype elementary school that was produced out of the 2018 CIP bond measure. The MPES replacement project was possible due to the substantial bond savings that was achieved through the success of the 2018 CIP bond.

This achievement is attributed to the strong leadership through management of procurement and program/project budgets by Evergreen Public Schools and R&C Management Group.

NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District Foundation - Fundraising Gala

R&C Management congratulates Irelynn Godwin of Heritage High School!

As a Gold Sponsor of the Evergreen SD Foundation’s Gala, R&C Management is proud to sponsor Heritage High School student, Irelynn Godwin, with a $1,000 scholarship to study Aeronautical Science - Aviation.

Irelynn is pictured with EPS Superintendent John Boyd, father Daniel Godwin, and R&C Senior Project Manager Scott Rose.

NEWS/PR: Evergreen School District Announces


What do you do when the coronavirus cancels your plans to invite the entire community to the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Mountain View High School? We invited District leaders, the Mountain View High School Principal, and a handful of students to host a safe, socially-distanced ceremony. Go Thunder!