Our Philosophy of Service can be summed up in three words,

We Listen | We Confirm | We Implement

First, we listen; we need to understand the project history, objectives and desired outcomes.

Then, we confirm; we need to make sure that we clearly understand the project from the Owner’s perspective.

Finally, we implement; we take what we heard and develop a proactive partnership with all the project stakeholders.

We believe a philosophy is meaningless without it being supported by a set of non-negotiable core values, values that act as a foundation to refine & improve performance and assist the firm in the pursuit of excellence.

These three words, Listen/Confirm/Implement are filtered through the core values of R&C Management, our core values are not unique, they’ve been around for thousands of years, and we practice them every day.

Integrity: Are we proud of our actions?
Accountability: Can we own our decisions?
Diligence: Have we thought outside the box?
Perseverance: Are we moving forward?
Discipline: Are we aiming at the goal?
Benevolence: Is mankind better because of our actions?