NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District Announces

Mill Plain Elementary School Replacement Update

Mill Plain Elementary School (MPES) replacement will open fall of 2023. The replacement is a 62,000 square ft. building that is constructed on the existing campus that replaced an old 1950’s building.

The original 2018 Bond program included prototypes of five replacement elementary schools and one new elementary school This MPES project is the seventh prototype elementary school that was produced out of the 2018 CIP bond measure. The MPES replacement project was possible due to the substantial bond savings that was achieved through the success of the 2018 CIP bond.

This achievement is attributed to the strong leadership through management of procurement and program/project budgets by Evergreen Public Schools and R&C Management Group.


NEWS/PR: Ridgefield School District Foundation Announces


NEWS/PR: Evergreen Public School District Foundation - Fundraising Gala