BLOG: What is the (OSCIM) Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching Program, and how do I maximize the positive impact on my district?

OSCIM = Awesome Opportunities

for your School District!

Empowering Education through the OSCIM Program

The Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching (OSCIM) Program is a guiding light for progress in school districts throughout Oregon. By providing matching grants to districts that successfully pass a local general obligation bond, the OSCIM Program fuels the ambition of communities to invest in the future of their public schools.

How OSCIM Benefits School Districts

The OSCIM Program is not just about financial assistance; it’s a commitment to educational excellence. With grants of up to $6 million—and in some cases, up to $12 million—the program empowers districts to enhance their educational facilities1. This substantial support is awarded based on a district’s position on the Priority List or First in Time List, ensuring a fair and impactful distribution of funds.

The Impact of Strategic Funding

By understanding and utilizing the OSCIM Funding Formula, R&C Management Group can help school districts strategically plan their bond measures to align with the program’s matching grants. This not only optimizes the financial resources available but also demonstrates to the community the tangible benefits of their investment in local education.

Incorporating this detailed understanding of the OSCIM Funding Formula into our services, we ensure that school districts are not only prepared to apply for these grants but are positioned to receive the maximum possible funding. This empowers districts to undertake significant capital improvement projects that might otherwise be beyond reach, ultimately benefiting students, teachers, and the broader community.

The Role of TAP Grants

Before a district can qualify for OSCIM grants, they must first lay the groundwork with a Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Facility Plan. This is where the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) grants come into play. TAP grants provide the necessary funding to help complete these preliminary documents, setting the stage for a successful OSCIM application.

Understanding the OSCIM Funding Formula

The OSCIM Program’s Funding Formula is designed to match a school district’s local general obligation bond funds in a way that maximizes state support for school capital improvements while encouraging local investment. Here’s how it works:

1. One-to-One Match: The program provides a one-to-one match for districts that pass up to $4 million in local general obligation bonds.

2. Beyond the Initial Match: For local general obligation bonds that exceed $4 million, the match continues according to the funding formula, with a minimum match of $4 million and a maximum of $8 million.

3. Calculation of Match: The amount of matching funds a district is awarded is calculated using the lesser of the total proceeds from the sale of the local general obligation bond, exclusive of underwriter’s discount and other costs of issuance, or the original amount requested by the district in its application.

4. Upper Limits: The OSCIM Program will match a school district’s local GO bond one-to-one up to $6 million of local GO bond, or the amount approved in the local bond sale, whichever is less. After that, the OSCIM Program will match district’s local GO bonds between $6 million and $12 million depending on the Funding Formula.

This strategic approach ensures that every dollar invested by local communities is effectively doubled, up to a certain point, by state funds, thereby amplifying the impact of local efforts to improve school facilities.

Crafting a Success Story

with R&C Management Group

At R&C Management Group we specialize in turning aspirations into achievements. Our expertise in navigating the intricacies of TAP grants and the OSCIM Program can be the difference-maker for your district.

Leveraging TAP Grants

Our team guides districts through the TAP grant application process, ensuring that the Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Facility Plan not only meet the requirements but also align with the district’s vision for the future.

Maximizing OSCIM Opportunities

With R&C’s assistance, districts can confidently approach the OSCIM Program, armed with a compelling narrative of community investment and a strategic plan that maximizes the potential for matching funds.

A Partner in Progress

We are more than consultants; we are partners invested in the educational landscape of Oregon. Our success is measured by the enhanced learning environments we help create and the lasting impact on students’ lives.

Conclusion: Building a Brighter Future Together

The OSCIM Program and TAP grants are powerful tools for school districts to improve their facilities and, by extension, their educational offerings. With R&C Management Group at your side, the path to securing these funds becomes clearer and the journey towards educational excellence much more attainable.

Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of your school district. Together, we can build a brighter future for Oregon’s students.

For more information on how our firm can assist your district with TAP grants and the OSCIM Program, please contact us below. We’re here to help you navigate these opportunities and achieve your districts goals.

Let’s Partner on an OSCIM Opportunity Together!