Warrenton-Hammond School District

Established in 1905, the Warrenton-Hammond School District has a long history of serving the educational needs of the community. The district encompasses three schools and serves approximately 978 students, including Warrenton Grade School, Warrenton High School, and South Jetty High School.

At R&C Management, we are honored to support a district that prioritizes student safety, academic achievement, and community engagement. With a focus on addressing overcrowding, enhancing security, and preparing for natural disasters, the district has made significant strides in improving its facilities and educational programs. Recent bond measures have enabled the construction of new buildings and the upgrading of existing ones, ensuring a safe and modern learning environment for all students.

The district’s rich history is marked by a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. From its early days of establishment to recent expansions and upgrades, Warrenton-Hammond School District remains dedicated to preparing students for future success.

November of 2018

In November of 2018, WHSD passed a $38.5M bond measure, and received state grants increasing the total available funds to $46.5M. R&C was selected to supply program and project construction management. The bond provided for the construction of one new middle school, high school improvements, grade school improvements, district-wide security upgrades, and a new Career Technical Education (CTE) Facility at the HS.

Warrenton Middle School

Career Tech & Innovation Center at Warrenton High School