David Douglas School District

NEWS/PR: David Douglas School District Groundbreaking Event

DDSD & Community Commemorate New Career & Technical Education Center

David Douglas School District Board, Administrators, & Team Digging In!

Breaking Ground:

David Douglas High School’s CTE Center

This past Saturday, 5/4/24, Rain or shine, a passionate and dedicated group of people from all over the David Douglas School District and beyond came together on a drizzly Spring Day to celebrate a momentous occasion: the groundbreaking event for David Douglas High School’s cutting-edge Career & Technical Education (CTE) center.

Purposeful Design, Inclusive Spaces

The DDHS Center Project was meticulously designed with purpose in mind. Safety, functionality, and accessibility take center stage, ensuring that students and staff can thrive. But it doesn’t stop there—comfort is woven into every corner, making the center a welcoming hub for learning and growth.

Pathways Unveiled

Imagine a space where students can explore their passions and visualize their futures. The CTE center aims to do just that. By showcasing a diverse array of post-secondary career pathways, it ignites motivation and inspires pride. Whether a student dreams of engineering, culinary arts, or graphic design, this center will be their compass.

Personal Expression and Cultural Celebrations

Creativity knows no bounds within these walls. The CTE center encourages personal expression, allowing students and staff to celebrate their unique identities and cultures. From vibrant murals to thought-provoking installations, creativity blooms here.

Building Bridges

Relationships are the heartbeat of any educational community. The center becomes a meeting ground—a place where students, teachers, administrators, and parents connect. Collaborations spark, ideas flourish, and lifelong bonds form.

Well-Being and Climate Justice

Nature whispers through the windows, reminding us of our interconnectedness. The commitment to well-being extends beyond academics. Social-emotional regulation finds solace in green spaces, and climate justice principles echo in sustainable design choices.

Durability and Value

Investing in education means investing in the future. The CTE center is built for the long haul. Easy maintenance, robust durability, and top-notch safety ensure that this investment pays dividends. It’s not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about shaping lives.

As the raindrops FELL on the freshly turned soil, hope sprouted. David Douglas High School’s CTE center promises more than walls…

…it promises a brighter tomorrow!

NEWS/PR: David Douglas School District

R&C Management Group selected to provide capital improvements, pre-bond assistance, and ongoing summer capital improvements.

We are happy to announce David Douglas School District has selected R&C Management Group to provide Construction Management Services over the next year. Services include Pre-Bond assistance, Ongoing Summer Capital Improvements and Capital Improvements. We look forward to continuing our partnership with this district of approximately 12,000 students in eastern Portland.