NEWS/PR: R&C Management Group Joins Forces with Kalama School District’s Design Oversight Committee

On New Natural Resource Educational Facility

R&C Management Group is thrilled to participate in the latest design oversight committee at Kalama School District, dedicated to the development of a state-of-the-art natural resource educational facility. This initiative marks a significant step forward in providing students and the community with unparalleled educational opportunities centered around environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Adam Cormack, Principal Partner and Senior Program/Project Manager at R&C Management Group, shared his enthusiasm for the project: “It’s an honor to be part of this project. This facility will not only enhance educational experiences at Kalama School District but also foster a deeper connection with our natural resources throughout the Pacific Northwest. We’re excited to contribute our expertise to ensure its success.”

The new facility aims to serve as a hub for innovative learning, offering hands-on experiences and fostering a greater understanding of natural resources. With the fantastic committee leadership by SAJ Architects: SĀJ Architecture | Bend and Portland, Oregon ( and combined efforts of the committee and the community, this project promises to be a beacon of environmental education and sustainability.

Learn more about the importance and impact of Student Voice and Input in this project here: Student input driving progress of natural resources facility design | Kalama School District (

Learn more about the New Natural Resources Facility in Kalama School District here: State provides $1.15 million to plan for new natural resources facility in Kalama | Kalama School District (